impolite lines

Sarah Beddow

Sarah B. Boyle is a poet.

photograph and fabric dyeing by me

photograph and fabric dyeing by me

Sarah Beddow is a poet, educator, wife and mother. She is the author of the memoir-in-prose-poems Dispatches from Frontier Schools (Riot in Your Throat) and the chapbook What's pink & shiny/what's dark and hard (Porkbelly Press). Her work has appeared in Bone Bouquet, Menacing Hedge, Rogue Agent, GlitterMOB, and elsewhere. Once upon a time, she studied writing at Johns Hopkins University. And then she studied it again at Sarah Lawrence College. After completing her MFA in poetry, she became a New York City Teaching Fellow, teaching special education in a large high school in the Bronx and earning her MS in Urban Education from Mercy College. After ten years in public education, Sarah is now a writer and editor in the educational publishing industry.

Sarah’s work often deals with bodies, teaching, and rape culture. She is a founding editor of the Pittsburgh Poetry Houses, a public art project, and on the board of Awesome Pittsburgh, which grants money – cold hard cash with no strings attached – to people or groups with brilliant ideas. Sarah lives with her husband and two children in her childhood home.